1 December 1993 – AAROVA is launched
AAROVA was founded at the end of 1993. With the support of Oudenaarde local council and the Christelijke Mutualiteit health insurance fund, the founders signed the articles of association for a new sheltered workplace on 29 November.
The trustees accepted AAROVA’s offer on the previous workplace, and on 1 December 1993 AAROVA hit the ground running with 63 staff: 58 people with a disability and 5 support staff.
The former VFSIPH (Flemish Fund for the Social Integration of Disabled Persons) granted AAROVA accreditation for the employment of 120 people with a disability.
1995 – 100 staff
A recruitment plan of two staff per month enabled AAROVA to achieve rapid growth to 100 staff, which was no mean feat.
1998 – Remarkable growth
By 1998, AAROVA had 160 staff and was bursting at the seams. It needed to expand its premises. In an initial phase, AAROVA rented 300m² of space from a neighbouring company for a range of activities.
After AAROVA 2 came the second phase: the foundation of a recycling department (AAROVA 3) on the premises of a company slightly further away.
The acquisition of Demival’s carpet department took place in the same year.
2000 – Building new premises
The old offices made way for a new construction project. A more spacious and modern building reflected AAROVA’s young, dynamic identity.
The acquisition of Decodu in Ronse strengthened AAROVA’s position on the carpet sample maker market.
2001 – Further expansion
An opportunity on the premises of Vergokan (and later Parcolys) enabled AAROVA to set up a second, independently organised branch (3000m²).
Following the foundation of the recycling department in 1998, it acquired Westlandia’s recycling department in 2001.
2002 – 200 staff
In 2002, AAROVA recruited its 200th employee, tripling the number of staff in 9 years.
The workplace had rapidly grown into the largest employer in the Flemish Ardennes region for people with a disability.
AAROVA acquired a stake in the Flemish Ardennes Business Centre.
2005 – Marketing campaign
In partnership with Claerhout nv Communicatiehuis, AAROVA developed a marketing campaign featuring its own staff in the starring roles.
2008 – Purchase of second branch
In 2008, the number of staff reached 275. AAROVA invested in the purchase of a new production site (AAROVA 34).
3 October 2008 – Guinness Book of Records
AAROVA manufactured the biggest cushion in the world measuring 15 by 15 metres!
2010 – ESF label
AAROVA obtained the ESF label for European projects and belongs to the advanced group according to the quality indicator.
2011 – 300 staff
Acquisition of the CM ironing workshop and purchase of a third site in Sint-Kornelis-Horebeke.
AAROVA rounded off 2011 with the recruitment of its 300th employee. With these staff numbers, it was gradually approaching the threshold for accreditation by the Flemish government.
2013 – AAROVA’s 20th anniversary